
Saturday, February 9, 2013

this is where it begins

hello world! (or maybe just the 2 people who happen to stumble upon my new blog!  you're appreciated.)

you may have read my little about me, but i'm going to elaborate a bit anyway.  i'm jennifer.  there are some special people in my life who call me jen jen.  :)  i'm 25, engaged to my wonderful kyle, and live in indiana.  i really like vintage cameras and taking pictures, although i find myself doing it a lot less than i used to.  i also like crafting quite a bit but seem to have lost the time to do that as well.  this blog is, for now at least, a motivation.  my goal is to start doing the things i love again (like taking pictures, crafting, wearing dresses, thrifting, and more) and then share them with the interweb people.

i am also getting married this fall so i plan on sharing some of the planning process and perhaps some tips as i learn them myself. 

here's a photo of me and the mister  <3

until next time, go look at this :)